Navigating the Nuances of Eco-Conscious Customized Iron Casting Part Design

Navigating the Nuances of Eco-Conscious Customized Iron Casting Part Design

In an era where environmental responsibility is as crucial as innovation, the field of customized iron-casting part design stands at the forefront of sustainable manufacturing. This intricate process not only demands precision but also a conscientious approach that aligns with the ecological values of our times. At Yide Casting, our commitment to eco-friendly production is unwavering as we offer customized iron casting parts that cater to the most discerning applications while honoring our planet.

Thorough Assessment of Application-Specific Demands

In-depth load and Stress Analysis for Robust Iron Castings

Every application imposes its unique set of demands on casting parts, and an in-depth load and stress analysis becomes indispensable. By meticulously evaluating the structural requirements, dynamic forces, and life-cycle stresses, we ensure that our iron castings not only meet but exceed the expectations of durability and resilience, while also maintaining an eco-friendly footprint.

Strategic Material Selection: Balancing Eco-Friendly Practices and Performance

The material selection process for iron casting is a critical step that balances performance with ecological impact. Our approach focuses on the utilization of recycled materials and energy-efficient alloys, which significantly reduces the environmental load, paving the way for iron casting solutions that are both high-performing and sustainable.

Navigating Design Complexity with an Eye on Manufacturability

Detail-Oriented Design Meeting Advanced Iron Casting Techniques

The complexity of a design is no barrier to our advanced casting techniques. By marrying intricate design details with the realities of manufacturability, we create iron casting parts that boast an unparalleled level of detail without compromising on the integrity or the eco-conscious values inherent in our production process.

Prototyping with Purpose: Streamlining Iron Cast Development

Our prototyping processes are a testament to our commitment to sustainability. By employing eco-friendly prototyping methods, we refine our designs with minimal waste, ensuring that the development of iron cast parts is both efficient and environmentally responsible.

Optimizing Cost and Environmental Impact in Iron Casting Production

Resource-Efficient Design: Reducing Iron Use and Scrappage

In our quest for eco-friendly production, we optimize designs to reduce the use of iron and minimize scrappage. This resource-efficient approach not only cuts down on costs but also aligns with the global push towards reducing industrial waste, solidifying our role as a responsible member of the iron casting industry.

Adapting Time-Efficient Iron Casting Processes for Sustainability

We continuously adapt our iron casting processes to be as time-efficient as they are eco-friendly. By integrating renewable energy sources and striving to reduce emissions throughout the production cycle, we ensure that our operations contribute to a greener industrial landscape.

Adhering to Rigorous Industry Standards in Iron Casting

Surpassing Quality Benchmarks with Eco-Friendly Iron Castings

Our iron castings don’t just meet industry standards—they surpass them. This dedication to quality comes with a deep commitment to environmental stewardship, as we produce parts that stand the test of time and sustainability.

Designing Iron Casting Parts with Safety and Sustainability at the Forefront

Safety and sustainability are the twin pillars of our design philosophy. By placing these principles at the forefront, we create iron casting parts that are not only reliable and safe but also exemplars of ecological design.

Seamless Integration of Iron Castings with Existing Systems

Compatibility and Modular Design in Iron Casting Innovations

Our iron casting innovations are designed with compatibility in mind, ensuring that new parts integrate smoothly with existing systems. This modular approach extends the lifecycle of both new and existing components, reflecting our dedication to sustainable industry practices.

The Aesthetics of Eco-Friendly Iron Castings

Aesthetic Customizations that Echo Sustainable Values

The aesthetic customization of our iron casting parts is a reflection of our sustainable values. Each design element is infused with ecological consciousness, ensuring that every part we create is as visually appealing as it is environmentally considerate.

Advancing Iron Casting Design with Cutting-Edge Technology

CAD and Simulation: Precision Engineering in Iron Casting

Innovation in iron casting design is largely driven by cutting-edge technologies such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and simulation tools. These technological advancements enable us to engineer with a precision that minimizes material waste and maximizes performance, all while adhering to the principles of eco-friendly design. By simulating real-world conditions, we can predict and improve the life cycle of iron cast parts, enhancing their ecological and functional footprint before a single piece of iron is cast.

The Future of Iron Casting Lies in Sustainable Practices

Embracing Eco-Friendly Expertise with Yide Casting

As we look towards the future, it’s clear that sustainable practices are not just a trend but the very foundation of progressive iron casting. Yide Casting stands as a bastion of eco-friendly expertise, infusing each project with a deep-seated respect for the environment. Our customized iron-casting parts are more than mere components; they are a testament to what is possible when innovation meets ecological responsibility.

Extend Your Sustainable Vision with Yide Casting’s Iron Casting Expertise

We extend an invitation to all visionaries seeking to blend their creative aspirations with sustainable solutions. At Yide Casting, we are eager to collaborate with you, to transform your ideas into reality with our expertly crafted, eco-friendly iron-casting parts. Contact us today, and let’s cast a sustainable vision together.

What are the key considerations when selecting an iron casting service provider for aerospace OEM parts?

Know About Aerospace OEM Parts and Iron Casting

The aerospace industry is synonymous with precision and innovation, a domain where every component, no matter how small, is crucial to the overall functionality and safety of the aircraft. Iron casting plays a pivotal role in producing these OEM parts, offering the durability and strength required for the demanding conditions of flight. Selecting the right iron casting service provider is a decision that can significantly influence the quality and reliability of these vital components.

Understanding the Aerospace OEM Landscape

Aerospace OEM parts vary from the smallest fasteners to large fuselage components, all requiring the same attention to detail during their creation. Iron casting for aerospace applications is not just about pouring molten metal into a mold; it involves a meticulous process of design, material selection, and finishing that adheres to the strict specifications set by aerospace authorities.

The Role of Customized Iron Casting in Aerospace

Customized iron casting is at the forefront of aerospace component manufacturing. Service providers that can deliver personalized casting solutions enable OEMs to achieve the bespoke designs necessary for unique aerospace applications. This customization is not limited to shape and size but also extends to the material properties, where different iron alloys are selected to match the specific performance requirements of each part.

The Importance of Material Quality in Iron Castings

Selecting the Right Iron Alloy

The quality of the material used in iron castings directly impacts the performance and longevity of aerospace OEM parts. Providers must offer a variety of iron alloys, such as gray iron, ductile iron, or malleable iron, each with its own set of characteristics that make it suitable for different aerospace applications.

Ensuring Durability and Performance

In the context of aerospace, durability and performance are non-negotiable. The iron casting process must ensure that the final product can withstand extreme temperatures, pressure changes, and mechanical stress. This is where the expertise of the service provider in material science becomes invaluable, as they must be able to guarantee that the material quality meets or exceeds industry standards.

Precision and Accuracy Requirements for Aerospace Components

The aerospace industry is unforgiving when it comes to the precision and accuracy of its components. Iron casting for aerospace OEM parts is a high-stakes game where even the slightest deviation from the required specifications can have significant consequences.

Engineering to Exacting Tolerances

Engineering iron castings for aerospace applications means adhering to exacting tolerances that can be as minute as a few micrometers. Such precision ensures that each component fits flawlessly within the complex assemblies of an aircraft, maintaining the integrity and functionality of the machine.

Customized Casting for Perfect Component Fit

The ability to customize iron castings is essential for achieving the perfect fit. It involves precise control over every stage of the casting process, from initial mold design to the final machining of the cast part. Providers must utilize advanced technologies such as 3D printing for molds and CNC machining to achieve the level of accuracy that aerospace components demand.

Certifications and Standards Compliance

Iron casting for aerospace OEM parts is heavily regulated, and compliance with international standards and certifications is not optional. These certifications are indicators of a provider’s ability to produce components that are safe, reliable, and of high quality.

Adhering to Aerospace Quality Management Systems

Compliance with quality management systems like ISO 9001 and the aerospace-specific AS9100 standard is essential. These standards ensure that the provider has a systematic approach to managing quality and that they can consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements.

The Importance of NADCAP Accreditation

For certain processes such as welding, chemical processing, and non-destructive testing, NADCAP accreditation becomes relevant. It is a specialized certification that shows a provider’s commitment to meeting the stringent standards of the aerospace industry, particularly in the specialized processes that are critical to the integrity of aerospace components.

Experience with Aerospace OEM Part Production

A track record of experience in the aerospace industry is a significant factor when selecting an iron casting service provider. It speaks to the provider’s understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of the industry.

Proven Expertise in Aerospace Component Manufacturing

Providers with a history of producing aerospace components bring a depth of expertise and an established reputation. They are likely to have a more nuanced understanding of the aerospace sector’s needs and the challenges that come with meeting those needs.

Leveraging Past Successes for Future Innovations

A service provider’s past successes can be a harbinger of future performance. Those who have successfully navigated complex aerospace projects are better equipped to innovate and adapt to the evolving demands of the industry.

Technological Capabilities for Complex Castings

In the field of aerospace OEM parts manufacturing, leveraging the latest technological advancements is not just advantageous—it’s imperative. Service providers must be at the cutting edge of iron casting technology to deliver components that push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Precision

The use of advanced technologies in the casting process is a game-changer. Techniques such as 3D printing for sand molds, precision simulation, and digital modeling contribute to achieving enhanced precision in iron castings. These technologies allow for the creation of components with complex geometries and internal features that were once considered impractical, if not impossible.

Customized Solutions with High-Tech Machining

High-tech machining capabilities allow for customized solutions that meet the unique demands of aerospace OEM parts. The ability to machine intricate details post-casting is crucial, and providers must have the equipment and expertise to carry out such precision work, often on a customized, case-by-case basis.

Lead Time and Flexibility in Production

The aerospace industry operates within tight deadlines, and the ability to deliver high-quality castings quickly is a significant competitive advantage for an iron casting service provider.

Streamlining Production for Rapid Turnaround

A streamlined production process is essential for meeting the demanding lead times of aerospace OEM parts. Service providers must have efficient, well-organized production lines capable of rapid turnaround without compromising the quality of the iron castings.

Adapting to Changing Demands with Agile Manufacturing

Flexibility and agility in manufacturing are crucial for adapting to the ever-changing demands of the aerospace industry. Providers must be able to adjust their production schedules and processes quickly in response to their clients’ evolving needs.

Quality Control Measures

Quality control is the cornerstone of aerospace manufacturing. Iron casting service providers must have stringent quality control measures in place to ensure that every component meets the industry’s high standards.

Comprehensive Testing for Uncompromised Quality

From dimensional inspections to material testing, comprehensive quality control processes are vital to ensure that each casting is free from defects and meets all required specifications. Providers must employ a variety of testing methods, including non-destructive testing techniques, to validate the integrity of their castings.

Continuous Improvement for Optimal Performance

A commitment to continuous improvement in quality control measures is vital. Providers should regularly review and refine their quality control processes to keep pace with the technological advancements and evolving standards of the aerospace industry.

Supply Chain Reliability and Logistics Support

The robustness of a supply chain can often be the defining factor in the fast-paced aerospace industry, where every second counts and delays can lead to significant financial losses or safety risks.

Ensuring a Dependable Supply Chain

A dependable supply chain is essential for iron casting service providers, particularly in the aerospace sector. Providers must demonstrate a track record of reliable material sourcing, inventory management, and an ability to handle unexpected disruptions without impacting the client’s operations.

Streamlined Logistics for On-Time Delivery

Streamlined logistics are not just about delivering on time; they’re about precision timing and the flexibility to adapt to clients’ evolving needs. An iron casting service provider must have established logistics protocols that ensure each part arrives at its destination in the shortest time possible and in perfect condition.

Cost-Effectiveness and Value Engineering

In an industry where the costs of design and production can escalate quickly, providing cost-effective solutions without compromising quality is a delicate balance that iron casting service providers must achieve.

Balancing Quality with Affordability

Balancing the highest quality standards with affordability is a challenge. Service providers need to employ value engineering practices to reduce costs where possible while maintaining the integrity and performance of the aerospace components they produce.

Innovative Approaches to Reduce Production Costs

Innovative approaches to production, such as employing waste-reducing manufacturing techniques or optimizing design for more efficient material usage, can significantly reduce costs. Providers must continuously seek out and implement these innovations to offer competitive pricing to their clients.

After-Sale Service and Support

After-sale service and support are what often distinguishes an average service provider from a great one. In the aerospace industry, this support is critical due to the long lifecycles and high stakes involved in each component.

Offering Comprehensive After-Sale Services

Comprehensive after-sale services, including troubleshooting, technical support, and part replacement, are vital. A service provider must have a dedicated support system in place to address any issues that may arise after the delivery of the castings.

Building Long-Term Relationships Through Support

Building long-term relationships with clients through robust after-sale support can lead to repeat business and recommendations—a key to success in the aerospace industry.

Sustainability and Environmental Compliance

Sustainability is no longer an option but a requirement in modern manufacturing, especially in industries like aerospace, which are under increasing scrutiny for their environmental impact.

Implementing Eco-Friendly Practices

Implementing eco-friendly practices in iron casting processes is crucial. This includes everything from using recycled materials to employing energy-efficient machinery and reducing emissions throughout the production process.

Meeting Environmental Regulations

Meeting stringent environmental regulations is not just about compliance; it’s about taking responsibility for the planet. Service providers must show that they are not only meeting current regulations but are also prepared for future environmental challenges.

Case Studies: Successful Aerospace OEM Iron Castings

Case studies of successful projects can provide valuable insights into a service provider’s capabilities. They offer tangible evidence of their ability to meet the complex demands of aerospace OEM part production.

Learning from Past Successes

Each case study is a learning opportunity. They allow potential clients to see how the provider has navigated challenges in the past and how they might approach future projects.

Demonstrating Proven Competence

Through case studies, service providers can demonstrate their proven competence in delivering quality iron castings for aerospace applications, showcasing their problem-solving skills and ability to innovate.

Tips for Communicating with Iron Casting Service Providers

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership, especially when dealing with the complexities of aerospace OEM parts production. Clear, concise, and frequent communication can ensure that projects stay on track and meet all necessary criteria.

Establishing Clear Communication Channels

It’s imperative to establish clear communication channels from the outset. This means determining the main points of contact, preferred communication methods, and regular update schedules to ensure everyone is on the same page throughout the production process.

Detailing Specifications and Expectations

Providing detailed specifications and clear expectations is essential to avoid misunderstandings. This includes technical requirements, timelines, and quality standards, all of which should be documented and agreed upon before production begins.

Conclusion: Integrating Key Considerations in Decision-Making

Selecting an iron casting service provider for aerospace OEM parts is a multifaceted decision that requires careful consideration of each provider’s capabilities and how they align with the specific needs of the project.

Weighing All Factors for Informed Decision-Making

An informed decision takes into account all the factors discussed—from the quality of materials and precision of castings to certifications, experience, technological capabilities, and beyond. It’s about weighing the strengths and potential weaknesses of each provider to determine the best fit.

The Partnership Approach to Iron Casting Services

Ultimately, selecting a service provider should be about forming a partnership. It’s a collaborative relationship that thrives on mutual trust, shared goals, and a commitment to excellence in producing aerospace OEM parts that meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Emphasizing the Value of Long-Term Collaborations

The aerospace industry’s demands do not end with the delivery of parts. Long-term collaboration with an iron casting service provider ensures that OEM parts are continually improved and that any arising issues can be promptly addressed.

The Importance of Post-Delivery Evaluation

Post-delivery evaluation is crucial for continuous improvement. Providers should work with clients to assess the performance of their castings and use this feedback to enhance their processes and output.

Commitment to Evolution and Growth

The best service providers are those committed to evolution and growth. They view each project as an opportunity to learn and improve, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of the industry and continue to provide their clients with the best possible service and products.

Navigating Future Challenges Together

The aerospace industry is constantly advancing, and the challenges of today may not be the same as those of tomorrow. A strong partnership with an iron casting service provider means facing future challenges together, with a shared commitment to innovation and excellence.

Preparing for Technological Advancements

Staying prepared for the next wave of technological advancements is essential. Providers need to be proactive in adopting new technologies and methodologies that can enhance the production of aerospace OEM parts.

Collaborative Problem-Solving for Unforeseen Issues

When unforeseen issues arise, having a service provider that excels in collaborative problem-solving can make all the difference. Such a provider won’t just offer solutions but will work closely with clients to implement them effectively.

Final Thoughts: Selecting the Right Partner for Iron Casting Services

In conclusion, selecting the right iron casting service provider for aerospace OEM parts is about much more than just the initial capabilities. It’s about finding a partner who will work with you through every challenge and who will be as committed to your products’ success as you are.

The Journey Beyond the Contract

The journey with a service provider goes well beyond the signing of a contract. It is an ongoing partnership that can have a significant impact on the quality, safety, and reliability of aerospace OEM parts.

Making the Choice with Confidence

By considering the detailed factors outlined in this article, you can make your choice of an iron casting service provider with confidence, knowing that you have thoroughly evaluated their ability to meet your specific needs and the rigorous demands of the aerospace industry.

Forging Ahead: The Continuous Journey in Aerospace Iron Casting Partnerships

The relationship with an iron casting service provider is not a static one; it’s a dynamic journey that evolves as both parties strive for excellence in the fast-paced and ever-advancing aerospace sector.

The Role of Feedback Loops in Quality Enhancement

Effective feedback mechanisms are crucial for the ongoing improvement of iron casting processes. Regular reviews and open communication channels can help in fine-tuning production methods, leading to consistently better outcomes with each batch of aerospace components delivered.

Adapting to Industry Shifts with Agility

The ability to adapt to industry shifts is a hallmark of a top-notch iron casting service provider. A partner who monitors aerospace trends and responds with agility, adjusting their processes and offerings, can provide a significant competitive edge.

The Strategic Advantage of Advanced R&D Capabilities

Innovation in iron casting, particularly for aerospace applications, is often driven by robust research and development (R&D) capabilities. Selecting a service provider who invests in R&D can lead to groundbreaking advancements in OEM part production.

Investing in the Future of Aerospace Castings

A service provider who dedicates resources to R&D is not just improving current processes; they are paving the way for future innovations that can redefine what’s possible in aerospace component manufacturing.

R&D: The Pathway to Next-Generation Aerospace Solutions

Through active R&D efforts, service providers can develop next-generation casting solutions, such as lighter, stronger materials or more efficient production techniques, that push the boundaries of aerospace engineering.

Envisioning the Future with Sustainability in Mind

As the aerospace industry looks to the future, sustainability becomes an increasingly critical factor in the selection of all partners and suppliers, including iron casting service providers.

The Imperative of Eco-Friendly Manufacturing Practices

Service providers that employ eco-friendly manufacturing practices demonstrate a commitment to the future—a trait that is highly valued in an industry looking to minimize its environmental footprint.

Sustainable Practices as a Competitive Differentiator

A provider’s commitment to sustainability can serve as a competitive differentiator, aligning with the values of aerospace companies that prioritize environmental stewardship.

Partnering for Success: The Ultimate Goal in Aerospace Iron Casting

The ultimate goal of any partnership is success—a concept that encompasses not only the quality of the parts produced but also the overall health of the relationship between the aerospace company and the iron casting service provider.

Success Through Synergy and Shared Vision

Success comes through the synergy of a shared vision for quality, performance, and innovation. When both parties work towards common goals, the results can be outstanding.

Long-Term Commitments Yielding Fruitful Outcomes

Long-term commitments between aerospace companies and iron casting providers can yield fruitful outcomes, with shared experiences and knowledge leading to a deepening of expertise and capabilities.

Integrating Advanced Analytics for Strategic Decision-Making

In the modern era, data is king. Integrating advanced analytics into the iron casting process can provide strategic insights that drive better decision-making and lead to superior aerospace OEM parts.

Leveraging Data for Continuous Improvement

A service provider that leverages data effectively can continuously refine their casting processes, leading to improved quality, efficiency, and performance of aerospace components. The use of data analytics helps in identifying patterns and potential areas of improvement that might not be visible to the naked eye.

Predictive Analytics for Proactive Quality Management

Predictive analytics can play a significant role in proactive quality management. By analyzing data trends, service providers can anticipate potential issues and implement corrective measures before they affect the production line, ensuring that the quality remains consistent and reliable.

Embracing the Digital Transformation in Iron Casting

Digital transformation is reshaping the manufacturing landscape, and the iron casting industry is no exception. Embracing digital technologies is essential for maintaining a competitive edge in the aerospace sector.

The Impact of Digitalization on Production Efficiency

Digitalization can significantly enhance production efficiency. From digital twin technology that creates virtual replicas of physical castings to IoT-enabled machinery that provides real-time monitoring, the opportunities for efficiency gains are substantial.

Digital Workflows and the Future of Aerospace Manufacturing

Implementing digital workflows can streamline every aspect of the iron casting process, from initial design to final quality control. This not only speeds up production but also increases accuracy and reduces the likelihood of errors.

Crafting a Resilient and Responsive Supply Chain

In an industry where delays can be costly, crafting a resilient and responsive supply chain is critical. The right iron casting service provider will have strategies in place to ensure that the supply chain can withstand various challenges without disruption.

Building Redundancy into the Supply Chain

Building redundancy into the supply chain can protect against unforeseen events, from natural disasters to material shortages. This involves creating backup plans and alternative sources for critical materials and components.

Responsive Supply Chain Management for Timely Deliveries

A responsive supply chain management system ensures that iron castings are delivered on time, every time. This requires a well-coordinated effort across various departments and, often, across different companies and geographies.

Elevating the Iron Casting Experience for Aerospace Excellence

The iron casting experience must be elevated to meet the exacting standards of aerospace excellence. This involves not just the technical aspects of production but also the service and support that surround it.

Personalized Customer Experiences in a Technical Field

Even in a technical field like iron casting, providing a personalized customer experience can set a service provider apart. This includes understanding client needs, offering tailored advice, and being available to address concerns and answer questions throughout the production process.

Service Excellence as a Hallmark of Quality

Service excellence should be a hallmark of quality for iron casting service providers in the aerospace industry. This commitment to service enhances the overall customer experience, building trust and fostering long-term relationships.

Nurturing Innovation in Iron Casting for Aerospace Applications

Innovation is the lifeblood of aerospace manufacturing, necessitating iron casting service providers to be not just suppliers but innovators in their own right.

Fostering a Culture of Innovation

Service providers must foster a culture of innovation within their operations, encouraging the exploration of new ideas and the adoption of breakthrough techniques that can lead to the next generation of aerospace iron castings.

Collaborative Innovation for Tailored Solutions

Collaboration between aerospace companies and iron casting providers can lead to tailored solutions that address specific challenges. This collaborative approach to innovation ensures that the final product is not just a component but a solution optimized for its intended application.

Commitment to Excellence in Every Casting

A commitment to excellence is what distinguishes the best in the business. For iron casting service providers in the aerospace industry, this commitment must be unwavering and evident in every product they deliver.

The Pursuit of Perfection in Iron Castings

The pursuit of perfection might seem like a lofty goal, but in aerospace, it is the standard. Service providers must strive for this level of quality in every casting, knowing that each piece is critical to the safety and performance of the aircraft.

Quality as the Cornerstone of Aerospace Iron Casting

Quality is the cornerstone upon which the reputation of a service provider is built. It is a comprehensive concept that encompasses every aspect of the casting process, from design and material selection to production and finishing.

The Strategic Significance of Customized Iron Casting Capabilities

Customized iron casting capabilities are strategically significant for aerospace OEMs. The ability to produce bespoke components that fit specific design parameters is not just a service but a strategic capability that can be a differentiator in the market.

Aligning Custom Capabilities with Aerospace Needs

Service providers must align their custom capabilities with the evolving needs of the aerospace industry, ensuring that they can respond swiftly and effectively to the unique demands of each project.

The Role of Custom Castings in Aerospace Innovation

Custom castings play a significant role in aerospace innovation. They allow for the exploration of new designs and the integration of advanced features that can improve the performance and efficiency of aerospace systems.

A Synergistic Approach to Iron Casting for Aerospace

In concluding, selecting the right iron casting service provider for aerospace OEM parts is a critical decision that requires a strategic and synergistic approach.

The Sum Greater Than the Parts

The relationship between an aerospace company and an iron casting provider is symbiotic, with the sum of the partnership being greater than the individual contributions. It’s about creating a whole that is more robust, innovative, and successful than the separate parts could ever be.

The Path Forward in Aerospace Manufacturing

The path forward for aerospace manufacturing is clear: it requires a partnership that is built on trust, driven by innovation, and dedicated to achieving excellence in every aspect of the production process. It’s a path that will be shaped by the providers who understand the importance of their role and are committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in iron casting for aerospace applications.

The Difference Between Ductile Iron Casting and Gray Iron Casting

What Is Iron Casting?

What Is Iron Casting?

What Is Iron Casting?

Gray iron is the most common type of iron casting. Its properties are good, making it the preferred material for a wide variety of applications. Its properties include high hardness, tensile strength, compressive strength, fatigue strength, and resistance to corrosion. While this type of iron casting is highly versatile, its disadvantages include low tensile strength and low elongation. It is a great choice for applications that require high tensile strength.

Yide Casting produces medium and heavy castings with sectional sizes up to four inches. It is the only iron foundry to cast the full range of test bar sizes. Inoculated irons are stronger than base iron bars and have a greater scatter of tensile strength values. A six-inch-diameter section at this foundry shows tensile strength values below the SAE line. The tensile strength data on this material are based on the center portion of the 6-in.-pediatric sections.

Gray iron is highly resistant to cracks. Its mechanical properties are related to the percentage of graphite, and the carbon-equivalent value. The cooling rate and eutectic solidification interval play an important role in the tensile strength of gray iron. The section size affects the tensile strength. The ASTM Specification A 48 requires the selection of the test bar. If the gray metal has an elongation value of less than 0.5, it will be stronger. The failure section should be as large as possible.

When choosing an iron casting foundry, it’s important to choose one that processes ductile iron separately from gray iron. The former is more malleable and durable than ductile. However, some foundries process gray and ductile iron from the same charge material. For example, if a foundry was to process internal recycled scrap gray iron, the sulfur would remain in the material. The solution would be to use a reducing agent, such as CaO, to remove the sulfur.

Graphite is another element used in iron casting. Its gray color is a result of a process known as investment casting. The investment-casting process produces pieces with thin walls and is usually used for ductile iron. Centrifugal casting, on the other hand, has the advantage of reducing porosity and sturdiness of the finished part. In addition, the material is also more resistant to corrosion, which is a positive feature for the investment-grade material.

The gray iron found in commercial castings is the most affordable of the two types of iron. This type of iron has a high modulus of elasticity and is suitable for structural components that must be stiff. On the other hand, it is prone to thermal fatigue, so it is not recommended for housing and machinery bases. Its high tensile strength and elasticity to make it the best choice for these applications. It is a great choice for those who want to save money.

Casting Defects – Sand Mold, Metal Casting

Today, I will introduce you to various metal casting defects and pictures found in the manufacturing process of yide casting. These are common sand casting defects on the surface and inside of cast iron and cast steel parts.

1. Blowhole and Pinhole

This is a void defect, which is also divided into pinholes and underground pores. Pinholes are very small holes, some can be seen on the surface. Underground air holes can only be seen after machining or grinding.

After machining or grinding, most underground pores can be found. If the surface is flat, our yide casting can inspect them by ultrasonic flaw detector.

Pinhole defect

2. Sand Burning Defect

This defect includes chemical burns and metal penetration. Usually, you will see excess metal material around the corner. This is because of poor sand. The metal has penetrated into the sand mold.

Sand burning defect

3. Sand Inclusion and Slag Inclusion

These defects are also called scab or black scab. They are inclusion defects. It looks like there is slag inside the metal casting.

Sand inclusion defects

4. Sand Hole Defects

Sand hole is a typical shrinkage defect. After sandblasting or machining, you will see voids. The sand falls from the sand mold, rolls into the liquid metal, and creates blisters.

This is a problem of the sand mold, or the flow rate of the metal is too high. This decfect can be solved by the foundry.

Sand hole defect

5. Cold lap Defect

Also called cold shutdown. This is a crack with rounded edges. The cold lap is due to a lower melting temperature or a poor gate system. This is not just a surface defect. Generally, this location may cause air leakage, and in addition, the material at this location will be of poor quality and therefore may be fragile.

Cold lap defect

6. Flash, Fin and Burrs

The joint flash is also called a casting fin, which is a thin protrusion on the surface of a metal casting. During the cleaning and sanding process, the joint burrs should be removed.

Sharp fins and burrs are similar problems with burrs. In fact, the large flash is a casting problem, the foundry should improve it by modifying the pattern. However, the small fins and burrs are not casting defects, the foundry only needs to grind and remove them.

Flash, Fin and Burrs

7. Mistrun defect

This is an incomplete casting defect, resulting in unfinished casting. The edges of the defect are rounded and smooth.

Mistrun defect

8. Porosity Shrinkage Defect

Shrinkage defects include scattered shrinkage, micro-shrinkage and porosity. For the large porosity on the surface, you can easily see them. However, for the smaller dispersion shrinkage, you can see them after processing. The figure below shows the shrinkage of porosity. The density of the metal is very poor, and many small holes can be seen after processing.

Porosity shrinkage defect

9. Shrinkage Cavities Defect

These are also called shrinkage cavities, which are a serious type of shrinkage defect, and you can easily see these holes on the rough surface of the metal casting. Foundries can improve their gates and ventilation systems, and then can solve these shrinkage problems.

Shrinkage defect

10. Shrinkage Depression

This defect is also a type of shrinkage defect, which looks like a recessed area on the surface of a metal casting. Although this defect is not as serious as shrinkage, it still leads to poor surface quality, and there may be some internal defects, so the foundry should try to solve or improve it.

Shrinkage Depression

11. Elephant skin defects

This is a surface defect that can cause irregularities or wrinkles on the surface. This defect is caused by the temperature difference of the molten metal or poor sand mold.

Elephant skin defects

12.Veins Defect

It is also called rat tail and looks like many small water traces on the surface of a metal casting. Sometimes this is caused by the low temperature of the molten metal or the improper gate control and exhaust system.

Veins Defect

13.Rough surface

A rough surface is also a surface defect. A normal rough surface cannot be considered a defect, but a surface that is too rough and uneven will be a defect.

Rough surface defects

14. Mismatch and displacement defects

This kind of mold defect is caused by the displacement of mold burrs. It will cause the parting line to be misplaced. Near the parting line, the left side may be a few millimeters lower or higher than the other side. The parting line is not a defect, but if the height on the left is different from the height on the right, it will be a casting defect. If there is no special requirement, a mismatch of less than 1mm is allowed. For the sand casting process, no mismatch is impossible.

However, if the mismatch affects the function of the casting, the foundry must control it, grind or machine it to meet the requirements.

Mismatch mold defects


15. Mechanical damage

This is not a casting defect, but a real casting quality problem you may encounter. This is damage during machining or delivery. Workers should pay more attention to this problem.

Mechanical damage defect

16.  Slag Inclusions Defects

This kind of defect is also called foreign inclusions, slag inclusions. Generally, slag is made of molten metal. During the metal melting process, the foundry should thoroughly remove dirt and inclusions, otherwise, these inclusions will be poured into the casting.

Slag inclusion defects

17. Raised Mold Defect

Due to the scattering of the liquid metal, the mold bottle is raised, causing the top of the casting to become higher or thicker than the lower part.

Raised Mold Defect

18. Crack defect

Crack defects usually occur inside metal castings. This defect will reduce the physical properties of the metal casting. There are also cracks on the surface.

Crack defect

19. Abnormal Nodulizing Defect

For many reasons, the spheroidization rate of graphite of ductile cast iron will be affected, resulting in poor spheroidization rate. Through the metallographic microscope, you can hardly see the graphite balls, but you can see many worm-like graphites.

This is a substantive issue. If so, its mechanical properties will not meet the standard requirements, which may cause damage to the cast product during use.

Abnormal Nodulizing Defect

20. Uneven hardness defects

This means that the hardness on the same surface is not uniform. The hardness is not uniform, and some parts may have extremely high hardness. When processing to a harder position, processing will become more difficult. The drill bit may be damaged.

This is a substantive issue. Locations with higher hardness may cool down faster than localized areas.

Uneven hardness

21. Sand Drop Defect

It is also called crushed sand. Some lumps of sand fall from the sand mold, which will result in similarly shaped sand holes or incompleteness. This is a problem of sand molds. The sand mold may not be tight enough.

Sand Drop Defect

22. Deformation problem

This problem will result in excessive flatness and straightness tolerances. For long castings and flat castings with thin walls, this is a very common defect. The reason is the natural deformation of the sand mold or the air during the cooling process. Sometimes, excessive sandblasting may also cause this problem.

Deformation problem

23. Welding Repair Problem

After welding repair, even after mechanical processing or polishing, welding traces are still visible. For unimportant casting surfaces, these marks should be acceptable if the customer allows welding repairs. However, for locations subject to high pressure, or the customer expressly prohibits any welding repairs, these marks will be considered defects.

Welding repair mark

24. Cold Iron Mark

Cast iron can effectively reduce the shrinkage of key parts, so it is very common to use cast iron in cast iron plants. However, the edges of the cold iron can be clearly found by visual inspection. If these marks do not affect the appearance, some customers will not need to grind them. However, customers may require the casting manufacturer to grind them in order to obtain a better surface appearance. Please be clear that these marks should not be considered as casting defects.

Cold Iron Mark

25. Casting chilling defects

It is also called “white iron”. The surface of the casting with this defect will be very white, shiny and smooth. Defective castings are fragile and brittle, so some edges and tips will break during processing. This defect is caused by the low temperature of the sand mold, and it leaves the sand mold prematurely, so the hot iron is quickly cooled. Appropriate annealing heat treatment on them can solve this defect.

Casting chilling defects

26. Massive Free Carbide

On the metallographic photos, you can see many cemented carbides without fish bones. This is a serious defect of cast iron materials and usually occurs in ductile iron. Due to reverse cooling defects and poor inoculation, there will be qualityless carbides, which will lead to brittleness to ductile iron and poor welding performance. High temperature annealing heat treatment can improve its quality.

Massive Free Carbide

27. Cold short or short iron

This defect is also called internal sweating. There are iron beans in the casting. This is because of the unreasonable gate control design, causing some molten iron to suddenly become beans, and then these beans are wrapped in other molten iron. These are surface defects, but if they are located in critical locations, they can cause serious slurry problems.

Cold short iron

28. Stripping Defect

The iron sheet on the surface of the casting is very thin. Two floors. This is because the gating system is unreasonable, resulting in a very thin air layer. This defect is a surface defect, so it can usually be ground off. However, if it is not just on the surface, it should be discarded.

Stripping Defect

29. Cast Iron Graphite Floatation

This defect is a material problem. This is caused by low pouring temperature and high carbon content. This defect is very harmful and can lead to very fragile materials. On the fractured surface, you can see the obvious black surface caused by the defect.

Cast Iron Graphite Floatation

Surface Finish Degree (Smoothness) Comparison Table between Rz, Ra and RMS for Iron and Steel Castings

What standard can be used to express the surface finish or smoothness of steel castings?

The comparison table we made as below is for your reference. You can find the comparison of the new Chinese Ra and Rz standards with the American micron and micron inch Ra in this table. In addition, we have also borrowed from China’s old grading system for your reference. The old grade is still widely used in China. We usually call the downward-pointing triangle “hwar”. However, we usually do not recommend buyers to indicate the old grades of China on the drawings or inquiry sheets. The comparison is for reference only, not as an inspection standard.

This article is from Please keep this link! For more related articles, please refer to our blog.

China Old Grade China New
China New
USA micron
USA microinch
▽ 1 50 200
▽ 2 25 100
▽ 3 12.5 50
▽ 4 6.3 25 8.00 320
6.30 250
▽ 5 3.2 12.5 5.00 200
4.00 160
3.20 125
▽ 6 1.6 6.3 2.50 100
2.00 80
1.60 63
▽ 7 0.8 6.3 1.25 50
1.00 40
0.80 32
▽ 8 0.4 3.2 0.63 25
0.50 20
0.40 16
▽ 9 0.2 1.6 0.20 12.5
▽ 10 0.1 0.8 0.10


RMS (microinch) RMS
RA (microinch) RA
Grit Size
80 58
2.03 1.47
71 52
1.90 1.32
80 120

Casting flask, Moulding flask, Sand box, Moulding box

Casting flask is also called moulding flask, sand box or moulding box. It is an indispensable tool in the production of sand castings. At the same time, it also plays an important role in the casting process. A suitable sand box can improve the quality of casting and reduce the consumption of molding sand, thereby reducing production costs.

Casting flasks are usually made by welding steel plates. But it can also be made by sand casting process. In other words, the sand box itself can also be a sand casting. For the automatic molding line, the casting flask has a fixed size. Taking the FBO 3 automatic molding line as an example, the size of the flask should be 508 * 610mm.

If the iron foundry does not have a suitable casting flask, then they will have to make some casting flasks for production. There are many types and sizes of sandboxes. The small flask is suitable for the production of small metal castings, and the large flask is suitable for large castings. Their shapes include circles and squares. Sometimes, some reinforcing ribs are welded inside to fix the molding sand. During the casting process, all designs need to be considered to suit production. However, the flask of the automatic molding line cannot be changed. Only packaging boxes used for manual molding and resin sand molding processes can be used.

Generally, unless you want the iron foundry to speed up production, the purchaser of castings does not have to bear the cost of manufacturing the sand box. More flasks can greatly increase productivity.

Yide Machinery casting factory uses FBO automatic molding line to produce iron castings parts for vehicles, cars, trucks, tractors, plow points etc. The following are some casting flasks from Yide Casting.

Introduction of Iron Based Coated Sand Casting

Brief introduction of iron based coated sand casting:

Iron based coated sand casting is a casting production technology. In the 1970s, Chinese foundry workers developed a special casting technology method, which is based on the research of domestic and foreign foundry counterparts, and in combination with China’s national conditions. It is different from sand casting, lost wax casting, V-shape casting, permanent mold casting, shell mold casting, paraffin casting, ceramic casting, steel shot casting and other casting methods. This method uses a metal model, and the cast iron cavity that is close to the shape of the casting as the sand box iron mold. And then the near-shaped iron mold is covered with a layer of 6~10mm of coated sand to form a mold for pouring into a casting.


  • The process of iron based coated sand casting includes:

Machine modeling-checking and closing the box-placing the sprue cup in the lock box-pouring-unpacking the casting-sand cleaning-modeling.


  • Features of iron based coated sand casting:

1. Having the characteristics of sand casting

That is, having a rigid sand mold shell, which makes the sand mold high in overall strength without deformation. At the same time, it has wide adaptability, easy demoulding of castings, reliable positioning and high precision.

2. Having the characteristics of coated sand shell casting.

The modeling is convenient and fast. No matter what the casting sand mold is, the molding can be completed within two or three minutes. The sand density and surface hardness of the mold are guaranteed by the equipment and are always consistent. And do not need to apply any paint. The smooth casting is obtained, and the shape and dimensional accuracy of the casting are improved.

3. Having the characteristics of metal mold casting.

The iron mold has obvious chilling effect during the crystallization process of molten metal. This can refine the grain size of the casting, thereby improving the overall strength of the casting. The presence of sand tires avoids the shortcomings of metal mold casting. Castings will not produce white holes. For iron castings, it can produce various materials in the as-cast state without heat treatment.

4. High precision

The mold composed of iron mold and thin sand tire has high rigidity, small deformation and fast cooling after locking. Meanwhile, the obtained casting has high dimensional accuracy, small machining allowance and compact structure. It is especially suitable for the production of ductile iron. At the same time, the method use the graphitization expansion of ductile iron to self-feed, and produce castings with less and no risers. Thus to obtain high-quality castings. Because the iron mold cools quickly, it is effective for the production of high-grade pearlite substrates. Rod and shaft castings are particularly advantageous.

5. High hardness

Under normal circumstances the hardness of castings produced by iron based coated sand casting is about 20 HB units higher than those produced by ordinary casting methods.

6. Low investment

Using the waste heat of the cast iron mold to solidify the coated sand produced by recycling, not only reduces electricity consumption, but also the casting process presents a closed cycle production state. In the meantime, the production area is small, requiring no sand treatment equipment, low investment and quick results.

7. Reuse of the mould

Due to the chilling of the iron mold, the molding sand will not be overfired. Not only can the molding sand be reused, but also because of the roasting during the pouring process, the molding sand (quartz sand) undergoes a phase change, and the thermal expansion coefficient of the sand is reduced from 15 to 5. Therefore, the old sand produced in the production process can also be recycled, which is in line with the development of circular economy.

8. Low rejection rate

Iron based coated sand casting is particularly suitable for the production of large batches of medium and small castings. If there are few replacements, the overall rejection rate can be reduced to about 3%.

9. Long service life

The service life of the iron mold with sand-coated iron mold can reach more than 10,000 times. However, under the influence of long-term repeated thermal expansion and contraction and the casting environment, additional maintenance is required.

Small Cast Door

Small cast doors are small doors made of cast iron, also called small cast iron doors. Depending on the application, there are many types of cast iron doors. For example, cast doors used on boilers are called ash doors; and cast doors used on stoves, fireplaces and stoves called furnace doors. Small cast doors mean […]

Comparison Table of Stainless Steel Grades

Stainless steel is also called acid-resistant stainless steel. It has good corrosion resistance, is beautiful, does not fade and is easy to clean. Moreover, its service life is very long. Stainless steel castings are widely used in auto parts, household appliances and construction industries.

The following is a comparison table of stainless steel grades provided by China Yide Casting for your reference.

Table 1 (Including Germany)

No type








International standard



austenitic stainless steel


1Cr17Mn6Ni5N 12X17T9AH4 SUS201 201 S20100 30201 A-2
2 1Cr18Mn8Ni5N 12X17T9AH4 X8CrMnNi189 Z15CNM19.08 SUS202 202 S20200 30202 284S16 A-3 2357
3 1Cr18Mn10Ni5Mo3N
4 2Cr13Mn9Ni4 20X13H4T9
5 1Cr17Ni7 09X17H7Ю X12CrNi17.7 Z12CN17.07 SUS301 301 S30100 30301 301S21 14
6 1Cr17Ni8 X12CrNi17.7 SUS301J1
7 1Cr18Ni9 12X18H9 X12CrNi18.8 Z10CN18.09 SUS302 302 S30200 30302 302S25 12 2331
8 Y1Cr18Ni9 X12CrNiS18.8 Z10CNF18.09 SUS303 303 S30300 30303 303S21 17 2346
9 Y1Cr18Ni9Se 12X18H10E SUS303Se 303Se S30323 30303Se 303S41 17
10 1Cr18Ni9Si3 X12CrNiSi18.8 SUS302B 302B S30215 30302B
11 0Cr18Ni9 08X18H10 X5CrNi18.9 Z6CN18.09 SUS304 304 S30400 30304 304S15 11 2332
12 00Cr18Ni10 03X18H11 X2CrNi18.9 Z2CN18.09 SUS304L 304L S30403 30304L 304S12 10
13 0Cr19Ni9N SUS404N1 304N S30451
14 0Cr19Ni10NbN X5CrNiNb18.9 SUS304N2 XM21 S30452
15 00Cr18Ni10N X2CrNiN18.10 Z2CN18.10 SUS304LN 304LN S30453 304S62 2371
16 1Cr18Ni12 12X18H12T X5CrNi19.11 Z8CN18.12 SUS305 305 S30500 30305 305S19 13
17 0Cr18Ni12 8X18H12T、06X18H11 X5CrNi19.11 Z8CN18.12
18 0Cr23Ni13 X7CrNi23.14 SUS309S 309S S30908 30309S
19 0Cr25Ni20 SUS310S 310S S31008 30310S 2361
20 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 08X17H13M2T X5CrNiMo18.10 Z6CND17.12 SUS316 316 S31600 30316 316S16 20,20a 2347
21 1Cr17Ni12Mo2 10X17H13M2T
22 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 08X17H13M2T X10CrNiMoTi18.10 Z6CNDT17.12 320S31 2343
320S17 -2350
23 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 10X17H13M2T X10CrNiMoTi18.10 Z8CNDT17.12 2350
24 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 03X17H14M2 X2CrNiMo18.10 Z2CND17.12 SUS316L 316L S31603 30316L 316S12 19,19a 2353
25 0Cr17Ni12Mo2N SUS316N 316N S31651
26 00Cr17Ni13Mo2N X2CrNiMoN18.12 Z2CND17.12 SUS316LN 316LN S31653 316S61 2375
27 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Cu2 SUS316J1
28 00Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2 SUS316J11
29 0Cr18Ni12Mo3Ti 08X17H15M3T Z6CNDT17.13
30 1Cr18Ni12Mo3Ti 10X17H13M3T X10CrNiMoTi18.12 Z8CNDT17.13B
31 0Cr19Ni13Mo3 08X17H15M3T X5CrNiMo17.13 SUS317 317 S31700 30317 317S16 25
32 00Cr19Ni13Mo3 03X16H15M3 X2CrNiMo18.16 Z2CND19.15 SUS317L 317L S31703 317S12 24 2367
33 0Cr18Ni16Mo5 SUS317J1
34 1Cr18Ni9Ti 12X18H9T X12CrNiTi18.9 Z10CNT18.10 SUS321 321 S32100 30321 321S20 2337
35 0Cr18Ni10Ti 08X18H10T X10CrNiTi18.9 Z6CNT18.11 SUS321 321 S32100 30321 321S12 15
36 1Cr18Ni11Ti 12X18H10T 321S20
37 0Cr18Ni11Nb 08X18H12B X10CrNiNb18.9 Z6CNNb18.10 SUS347 347 S34700 30347 347S17 16 2338
38 1Cr18Ni11Nb 12X18H12B
39 0Cr18Ni9Cu3 Z6CNU18.10 SUSXM7 XM7 S30430 D32
40 0Cr18Ni13Si4 SUSXM15J1 XM15 S38100

Austenitic stainless steel, ferrite stainless steel

(Duplex stainless steel)


0Cr26Ni5Mo2 08X21H6M2T X8CrNiMo275 SUS329J1 329 S32900 2324
42 1Cr18Ni11Si4AlTi 15X18H12C4TЮ
43 1Cr21Ni5Ti 12X21H5T
44 00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2
45 00Cr24Ni6Mo3N

ferrite stainless steel

0Cr13A1 1X12CЮ X7CrAl13 Z6CA13 SUS405 405 S40500 51405 405S17 2 2302
47 00Cr12 SUS410L
48 1Cr15 SUS429 429 S42900 51429
49 00Cr17 SUS430LX
50 1Cr17 12X7 X8Cr17 Z8C17 SUS430 430 S43000 51430 430S15 8 2320
51 Y1Cr17 X12CrMoS17 Z10CF17 SUS430F 430F S43020 51430F 8a 2383
52 1Cr17Mo X6CrMo17 Z8CD17.01 SUS434 434 S43400 51434 434S17 9c 2325
53 00Cr17Mo SUS436L
54 00Cr18Mo2 SUS444 18Cr2Mo

Martensite stainless steel

1Cr25Ti 15X25T X8Cr28 446 S44600 51446 2322
56 00Cr27Mo Z01CD26.1 SUSXM27 XM27 S44625
57 00Cr30Mo2 SUS447J1 S44700
58 1Cr12 SUS403 403 S40300 51403 403S17 2301
59 0Cr13 08X13 X7Cr13、X7Cr14 Z6C13 SUS410S 410S S41008 430S17 1
60 1Cr13 12X13 X10Cr13 Z12C13 SUS410 410 S41000 51410 410S21 3 2302
61 1Cr13Mo X15CrMo13 SUS410J1
62 Y1Cr13 X12CrS13 Z12CF13 SUS416 416 S41600 51416 416S21 7 2380
63 2Cr13 20X13 X20Cr13 Z20C13 SUS420J1 420 S42000 51420 420S37 4

Table 2 (Including European Union)

No China  GB Japan America Korea European Union India Australia China Taiwan

Austenitic stainless steel

1 1Cr17Mn6Ni5N 12Cr17Mn6Ni5N SUS201 201 S20100 STS201 1.4372 10Cr17Mn6Ni4N20 201-2 201
2 1Cr18Mn8Ni5N 12Cr18Mn9Ni5N SUS202 202 S20200 STS202 1.4373   202
3 1Cr17Ni7 12Cr17Ni7 SUS301 301 S30100 STS301 1.4319 10Cr17Ni7 301 301
4 0Cr18Ni9 06Cr19Ni10 SUS304 304 S30400 STS304 1.4301 07Cr18Ni9 304 304
5 00Cr19Ni10 022Cr19Ni10 SUS304L 304L S30403 STS304L 1.4306 02Cr18Ni11 304L 304L
6 0Cr19Ni9N 06Cr19Ni10N SUS304N1 304N S30451 STS304N1 1.4315 304N1 304N1
7 0Cr19Ni10NbN 06Cr19Ni9NbN SUS304N2 XM21 S30452 STS304N2 304N2 304N2
8 00Cr18Ni10N 022Cr19Ni10N SUS304LN 304LN S30453 STS304LN 304LN 304LN
9 1Cr18Ni12 10Cr18Ni12 SUS305 305 S30500 STS305 1.4303 305 305
10 0Cr23Ni13 06Cr23Ni13 SUS309S 309S S30908 STS309S 1.4833 309S 309S
11 0Cr25Ni20 06Cr25Ni20 SUS310S 310S S31008 STS310S 1.4845 310S 310S
12 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 06Cr17Ni12Mo2 SUS316 316 S31600 STS316 1.4401 04Cr17Ni12Mo2 316 316
13 0Cr18Ni12Mo3Ti 06Cr17Ni12Mo2Ti SUS316Ti  316Ti S31635 1.4571 04Cr17Ni12MoTi20 316Ti  316Ti
14 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 022Cr17Ni12Mo2 SUS316L 316L S31603 STS316L 1.4404 ~02Cr17Ni12Mo2 316L 316L
15 0Cr17Ni12Mo2N 06Cr17Ni12Mo2N SUS316N 316N S31651 STS316N 316N 316N
16 00Cr17Ni13Mo2N 022Cr17Ni13Mo2N SUS316LN 316LN S31653 STS316LN 1.4429 316LN 316LN
17 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Cu2 06Cr18Ni12Mo2Cu2 SUS316J1 STS316J1 316J1 316J1
18 00Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2 022Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2 SUS316J1L STS316J1L 316J1L
19 0Cr19Ni13Mo3 06Cr19Ni13Mo3 SUS317 317 S31700 STS317 317 317
20 00Cr19Ni13Mo3 022Cr19Ni13Mo3 SUS317L 317L S31703 STS317L 1.4438 317L 317L
21 0Cr18Ni10Ti 06Cr18Ni11Ti SUS321 321 S32100 STS321 1.4541 04Cr18Ni10Ti20 321 321
22 0Cr18Ni11Nb 06Cr18Ni11Nb SUS347 347 S34700 STS347 1.4550 04Cr18Ni10Nb40 347 347

Austenitic stainless steel, ferrite stainless steel (Duplex stainless steel)

23 0Cr26Ni5Mo2 SUS329J1 329 S32900 STS329J1 1.4477 329J1 329J1
24 00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2 022Cr19Ni5Mo3Si2N SUS329J3L S31803 STS329J3L 1.4462 329J3L 329J3L

Ferrite stainless steel

25 0Crl3Al 06Crl3Al SUS405 405 S40500 STS405 1.4002 04Cr13 405 405
26 022Cr11Ti SUH409 409 S40900 STS409 1.4512 409L 409L
27 00Cr12 022Cr12 SUS410L STS410L 410L 410L
28 1Cr17 10Cr17 SUS430 430 S43000 STS430 1.4016 05Cr17 430 430
29 1Cr17Mo 10Cr17Mo SUS434 434 S43400 STS434 1.4113 434 434
30 022Cr18NbTi S43940 1.4509 439 439
31 00Cr18Mo2 019Cr19Mo2NbTi SUS444 444 S44400 STS444 1.4521 444 444
Martensite stainless steel
32 1Cr12 12Cr12 SUS403 403 S40300 STS403 403 403
33 1Cr13 12Cr13 SUS410 410 S41000 STS410 1.4006 12Cr13 410 410
34 2Cr13 20Cr13 SUS420J1 420 S42000 STS420J1 1.4021 20Cr13 420 420J1
35 3Cr13 30Cr13 SUS420J2 STS420J2 1.4028 30 Cr13 420J2 420J2
36 7Cr17 68Cr17 SUS440A 440A S44002 STS440A 440A 440A

Yide casting is a leading casting foundry in China, with 27 years’ experience, produces top quantity steel castings. If you are interested in our cast steel, please feel free to contact us for more details on casting.